Foundation Launches Mold/Sound Science Project

Atlantic Legal Foundation, a public interest law firm, for the past decade has advocated the application of sound scientific principles in legal and regulatory proceedings. Atlantic Legal has represented many distinguished scientists as friends of the court in cases where testimony has been offered incorrectly purporting to be reliable science, including the Daubert trilogy before the Supreme Court.

Atlantic Legal has now marshaled the resources of its Advisory Council, both scientific and legal, to ensure that sound science is applied in determining the admissibility of expert testimony in cases involving indoor mold health claims.

Atlantic Legal’s recently announced Mold/ Sound Science Project strives for scientific and medical objectivity. It examines issues which have to be resolved if expert testimony is to be admitted in mold cases.

A steering committee composed of scientists and lawyers affiliated with Atlantic Legal provides oversight for the Project.

Atlantic Legal will file amicus briefs with prominent scientists/physicians and others as clients in cases where courts are asked to admit unreliable expert testimony. Where appropriate, comments on proposed federal and state regulations regarding mold exposure will be prepared.

Atlantic Legal has reviewed the most often cited of the technical articles considering the connection between indoor mold and health effects for admissibility/ cross-examination purposes. Abstracts are available on line at no charge on Atlantic Legal’s website, Leading articles and decisions discussing evidentiary and procedural issues arising in mold litigation are also available on the ALF website.

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