Atlantic Legal Foundation believes in, and advocates for, individual liberty in all of its forms. This includes the traditional freedoms of speech, religion, and association. But as some States’ Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns made clear, individual liberty also encompasses rights that most Americans long have taken for granted, such as the freedom to move from State to State or place to place, the freedom to assemble for worship or to gather with family, and the freedom to conduct and patronize businesses of all types and sizes.
With social media providing a platform to anyone who wishes to share their opinions on almost any subject, individual liberty also gives new meaning to freedom of the press, including the right not to be “cancelled” for expressing a different or unpopular point of view. And individual liberty also means the right to peaceably protest, without fear or sanction, actions taken by federal, state or local government officials.
Individual Liberty Amicus Briefs

ALF Urges Supreme Court To Uphold Parents’ Rights
Parents Protecting Our Children, UA v. Eau Claire Area School District, Wisconsin (Supreme Court) (petition)

ALF Amicus Brief Supports Constitutional Challenge To SEC “Gag Rule”
Powell v. United States Securities and Exchange Commission (24-1899) (9th Cir.)

ALF Urges Supreme Court To Let Scientific Debate Flourish
Murthy v. Missouri, No. 23-411 (Supreme Court) (merits)

ALF Argues That There Are No Exceptions To The Fifth Amendment’s “Just Compensation” Guarantee For Governmental Takings
Sheetz v. County of El Dorado, California (22-1074) (merits)

ALF Urges Supreme Court To Reaffirm That Constitution’s “Just Compensation” Clause Is Self-Executing
Devillier v. Texas, No. 22-913 (Supreme Court) (merits)

ALF Brief Argues Federal Law Preempts California Ban On Sale Of USDA-Approved Poultry Product
Association des Éleveurs de Canards et d’Oies du Quebec v. Bonta, No. 22-472 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

ALF Amicus Brief Argues That School District’s Transgender Student Policy Violates Parental Rights
Parents Defending Education v. Linn-Mar Community School District, No. 22-2927 (8th Cir.)

ALF Argues That Government Cannot Deputize Social Media To Suppress Free Speech That Questions Science Behind COVID Messaging
Changizi v. Department of Health and Human Services, No. 22-3573 (6th Cir.)

First Amendment Scholars Urge Supreme Court To Review & Invalidate SEC “Gag Rule”
Romeril v. Securities and Exchange Commission, No. 21-1284 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Amicus Coalition Again Urges Supreme Court To Review Mandatory Bar Dues That Fund Political Speech
McDonald v. Firth, No. 21-800 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Coalition Brief Again Supports Exacting Scrutiny of Mandatory Bar Dues Used To Fund Political or Ideological Speech
Schell v. Darby, Chief Justice, Supreme Court, No. 21-779 (petition stage)

ALF Presses Supreme Court To Scrutinize Selective Exclusion Of Journalists From Government Briefings
John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy, Inc. v. Tony Evers, Governor of Wisconsin, No. 21-388 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

ALF Advocates For School Choice In Supreme Court
Carson v. Makin, No. 20-1088 (Supreme Court) (merits stage)

Amicus Brief Urges Supreme Court To Review Constitutionality of Mandatory Bar Dues That Subsidize Political Speech
Crowe v. Oregon State Bar, No. 20-1678 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

ALF Enters Video Game Battle
Lenwood Hamilton v. Lester Speight, et al., No. 20-1123 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

NAM & ALF File Joint Amicus Brief Challenging California Donor Disclosure Requirement
Americans for Prosperity Foundation & Thomas More Law Center v. Bonta, Nos. 19-251 & 19-255 (Supreme Court) (merits stage)

ALF Amicus Brief Supports Meaningful Judicial Review of SEC Constitutional Challenge
Gibson v. Securities and Exchange Comm’n, No. 20-276 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Does the FAA Preempt California’s Judicial Hostility Towards Arbitration Agreements?
Winston & Strawn LLP v. Ramos, No.18-1437 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

“Wholly Groundless” Authority: Can a Circuit Court Rewrite The FAA?
Henry Schein, Inc. v. Archer & White Sales, No. 17-1272 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Can a Court Resolve a Dispute By Providing No Relief Whatsoever?
Theodore H. Frank v. Paloma Gaos, No. 17-961 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Anticompetitive Takings: Will The Supreme Court Revisit Kelo?
Violet Dock Port, Inc., LLC, v. St. Bernard Port, No. 17-1656 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Under What Level Of Scrutiny Is Compelled Commercial Speech Reviewed?
CTIA – The Wireless Association v. Berkeley, No. 17-976 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Should Stare Decisis Protect Compelled Political Speech And Association?
Janus v. AFSCME, No.16-1466 (Supreme Court) (petition-stage)

Yoga For Exercise Is Not Religious
Sedlock v. Baird, No. D064888 (Court of Appeal of the State of California Fourth Appellate District, Division One)

Disparate Treatment vs Disparate Impact: Should a Clause Intended To Ban Racial Discrimination Be Interpreted To Encourage It?
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc., No. 13-1371 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Varying Scrutiny: Should The Medium Determine The Level of Protection The First Amendment Affords?
Minority Television v. FCC, No. 13-1123 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Are Covenants With The Land Compensable Under The Takings Clause?
Mariner’s Cove v. United States (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Circuit Court Advances Policy Based Rationale Contradicting Supreme Court On Class Action Arbitration
American Express v. Italian Colors Restaurant (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Compelled Non-Member Fees for Extraunit Litigation: Compelled Speech?
Locke v. Karass, (US) (merits stage)

Administrative Deprivation: How Expensive is Due Process?
General Electrinc v. Jackson, (DC Cir.)

Is selling patient data protected by the First Amendment?
IMS Health v. Sorrell, (2nd Cir.)

Social Justice and Racial Quotas: Is Discrimination Against Disfavored Groups Permissible?
Ricci v. DeStephano, (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Identity Politics: Does the Constitution Prohibit State Voter Identification Measures?
Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Judicial Rewriting of Retirement Plans: Lump Sum Adjusted for Future Costs of Living
Williams v. Rohm and Hass Co., (7th Cir.) (in support for Defendant’s motion for rehearing en banc)

Freedom of Association: Conditioning Federal Funds on Military Recruiters’ Access to Campus
Rumsfeld v. Forum For Academic and Institutional Rights, (Supreme Court) (petition-stage)

Does the phrase “at any time” leave room for subjective belief?
Dore v. Arnold World Wide, (Cal.)

New York Requires LLC’s to Pay Media Interests a Tithe Before Having Access to Courts
Barklee v. Pataki, Supreme Court of New York

Disparate Impact: Liability Created by Aggregate Decisions
Adams v. Florida Power, (Supreme Court) (merits stage)

Coercing Funds for Political Activism
University of Wisconsin v. Southworth (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

Virtuous Racism: Discrimination Against Members of the Majority
Adarand Constructors v. Pena, (US) (merits)