Limited & Efficient Government

The Constitution’s separation of powers, and the many checks and balances that our Founders had the foresight to build into the Constitution to ensure that each branch respects its own boundaries, are the foundation for our federal government. In addition, our federalist system ensures that the federal government is one of limited powers, and that the States and their political subdivisions are the repositories of all other powers not specifically denied to them.

Atlantic Legal Foundation is dedicated to identifying encroachments upon the separation of powers and federalism, and presenting its views on this critical subject in appropriate judicial forums. This includes vigilantly monitoring the “administrative state,” i.e., the multitude of federal departments and agencies that Congress has authorized to act, in effect, as a fourth branch of government. In addition, ALF is proactively attentive to what unfortunately has become a fifth branch of government—the lock-step alliance between overtly partisan “mainstream media” personalities (many of whom misrepresent themselves as journalists) and “Big Tech” oligarchs and their sycophants who use their near-monopolistic power to block or distort presentation of facts or opinions that differ from their own.

Limited Government Amicus Briefs

ALF Amicus Brief Supports Constitutional Challenge To Medicare “Drug Price Negotiation Program”

Bristol Myers Squibb Co. & Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Becerra, Nos. 24-1820 & 24-1821 (3rd Circuit)

July 16, 2024

ALF Amicus Brief Supports Constitutional Challenge To SEC “Gag Rule”

Powell v. United States Securities and Exchange Commission (9th Cir.) (24-1899)

June 24, 2024

ALF Urges Supreme Court To Let Scientific Debate Flourish

Murthy v. Missouri, No. 23-411 (Supreme Court) (merits)

February 7, 2024
Atlantic Legal Foundation is a frequent filer of amicus briefs

ALF Argues That SEC In-House Enforcement Proceedings Deprive Defendants of Due Process

SEC v. Jarkesy, No. 22-859 (Supreme Court) (merits stage)

October 18, 2023
Atlantic Legal Foundation is a frequent filer of amicus briefs

ALF Argues No Chevron Deference For Unconstitutional Interpretations

Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, No. 22-451 (Supreme Court) (merits stage)

July 13, 2023
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ALF Argues That CFPB “Self-Funding” Is Unconstitutional

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America, Limited, No. 22-448 (Supreme Court) (merits stage)

July 6, 2023

ALF Argues That Half-Trillion Dollar Student Debt Cancellation Is Unconstitutional

Biden v. Nebraska, No. 22-506 & Department of Education v. Brown, No. 22-535 (Supreme Court) (merits stage)

January 12, 2023

ALF Argues SEC Lacks Expertise To Rule On Its Own Constitutionality

Securities and Exchange Commission v. Cochran, No. 21-1239 (Supreme Court) (merits stage)

July 5, 2022
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ALF Argues “Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied” In FTC Constitutional Challenge

Axon Enterprise, Inc. v. Federal Trade Commission, No. 21-86 (Supreme Court) (merits stage)

May 16, 2022

ALF Brief Argues That Covid-19 Negligence Suits Belong—If Anywhere—In Federal, Not State, Courts

Rivera-Zayas v. Our Lady of Consolation Geriatric Care Center, No. 21-2164-cv (Second Circuit)

December 28, 2021

ALF Presses Supreme Court To Scrutinize Selective Exclusion Of Journalists From Government Briefings

John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy, Inc. v. Tony Evers, Governor of Wisconsin, No. 21-388 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

October 11, 2021

ALF/DRI Brief Argues That Constitution’s Supremacy Clause Directly Bars Talcum Powder “Consumer Protection” Suit

Johnson & Johnson v. Mississippi, ex rel. Lynn Fitch, Attorney General of Mississippi, No. 21-348 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

September 24, 2021

ALF Amicus Brief Argues That Courts, Not Bureaucrats, Should Interpret Federal Regulations

AMN Services, LLC v. Clarke No. 21-296 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

September 13, 2021

ALF Brief Supports Supreme Court Review of “Justice Delayed is Justice Denied” Appeal

Axon Enterprise, Inc. v. Federal Trade Commission, No. 21-86 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

August 17, 2021
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ALF Amicus Brief Argues That Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied

Axon Enterprise, Inc. v. Federal Trade Commission, No. 20-15662 (Ninth Circuit)

March 17, 2021

ALF Amicus Brief Supports Meaningful Judicial Review of SEC Constitutional Challenge

Gibson v. Securities and Exchange Comm’n, No. 20-276 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

October 1, 2020
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Legislator, Interpreter, and Executor: Should Stare Decisis Protect Arbitrary Agency Reinterpretation?

Kisor v. Wilkie, No. 18-15 (Supreme Court) (petition-stage)

January 31, 2019
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Can a Court Resolve a Dispute By Providing No Relief Whatsoever?

Theodore H. Frank v. Paloma Gaos, No. 17-961 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

July 13, 2018
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Anticompetitive Takings: Will The Supreme Court Revisit Kelo?

Violet Dock Port, Inc., LLC, v. St. Bernard Port, No. 17-1656 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

July 11, 2018
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Under What Level Of Scrutiny Is Compelled Commercial Speech Reviewed?

CTIA – The Wireless Association v. Berkeley, No. 17-976 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

February 8, 2018
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Bypassing Procedure: Should DOJ Promulgate Website Regulations Through Litigation?

Robles v. Domino’s Pizza, LLC, No. 17-55504 (Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit)

December 27, 2017
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Should Stare Decisis Protect Compelled Political Speech And Association?

Janus v. AFSCME, No.16-1466 (Supreme Court) (petition-stage)

December 6, 2017
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Muddling Precedent: California Attempts To Destroy Distinctions Between Personal And General Jurisdiction

Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. v. Superior Court Of California, No. 16-466 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

March 8, 2017
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Is An Intersession Adjournment A Recess?

NLRB v. Noel Canning (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

November 25, 2015
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Severing The FAA: California Courts Maintain Separate Rules For Arbitration Agreements

MHN Government Services, Inc., v. Zaborowski, No. 14-1458 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

July 10, 2015
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Executive Creep: Unaccountable Agency Destroys Life Plans of Property Owners

Kent Recycling Services, LLC, v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, No. 14-493 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

December 1, 2014
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Illegitimate Expansion of Federal Executive Regulatory Authority Through Vague Reinterpretation

Comment to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers concerning “Proposed Definition of ‘Waters of the United States’ Under the Clean Water Act,” 40 CFR 230.3.

November 12, 2014
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Freight Brokers Vicariously Liable For Carrier Negligence: California Trial Court Creates New Public Policy

KAM-WAY Transportation v. Superior Court (Chavez), No. 220283 (California Supreme Court)

August 16, 2014
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Economic Substance Rule: District Court Rewrites Tax Code

American International Group, INC., v. United States of America, No. 14-0765-cv (Second Circuit)

July 7, 2014
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Disparate Treatment vs Disparate Impact: Should a Clause Intended To Ban Racial Discrimination Be Interpreted To Encourage It?

Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc., No. 13-1371 (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

June 16, 2014
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Are Covenants With The Land Compensable Under The Takings Clause?

Mariner’s Cove v. United States (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

July 15, 2013
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Woman Tries To Poison Husband’s Lover, Violates International Arms Control Treaty

Bond v. United States, (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

May 15, 2013
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Mayor In Guam Uses Pretextual Taking To Steal Property

Ilagan v. Ungacta, Supreme Court (petition stage)

January 7, 2013
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Does ERISA’s Plain Language Exclude Cost-of-Living Adjustments From Accrued Benefits?

Rohm and Haas Pension Plan v. Williams (U.S.) (petition stage)

February 8, 2008
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Banning Foie Gras and the Commerce Clause

Illinois Restaurant Association v. City of Chicago, (7th Cir.)

December 14, 2007
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Identity Politics: Does the Constitution Prohibit State Voter Identification Measures?

Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

December 10, 2007
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Judicial Rewriting of Retirement Plans: Lump Sum Adjusted for Future Costs of Living

Williams v. Rohm and Hass Co., (7th Cir.) (in support for Defendant’s motion for rehearing en banc)

August 31, 2007
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Massachusetts Tells EPA How to Save the Earth.

Massachusetts v. EPA, (Supreme Court) (No. 05–1120) (petition stage)

October 8, 2006
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Nexus and Proportionality: “Impact Fees” Detached from Actual Impact

Drebick v. Olympia (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

September 13, 2006
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Adjacent to the Adjacent: Does “Navigable Water” Extend Federal Power to All Wetlands?

Rapanos v. United States, Supreme Court, (merits stage) (2004)

December 2, 2005
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Government Facilitated Property Theft: Notice in New York

Brody v. Village of Port Chester, (2nd Cir.)

May 27, 2005
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Does Discrimination Against Disfavored Groups Serve a Compelling State Interest?

Grutter v. Bollinger, (Supreme Court) (merits stage)

January 5, 2003
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Disguised Takings: Disproportionate Impact Fees

Rogers Machinery v. City of Tigard, (US) (merits stage)

December 16, 2002
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California Butchers Ripeness Doctrine, Allows Uncompensated Public Takings

Cole v. Santa Barbara, (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

August 5, 2002
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Is Mens Rea Required by Due Process?

Hansen v. US, (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

May 1, 2002
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Disparate Impact: Liability Created by Aggregate Decisions

Adams v. Florida Power, (Supreme Court) (merits stage)

February 25, 2002
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Unitary Executive: Presenting a United Front to Foreign Powers

Natsios v. NFTC, (US) (petition-stage)

February 4, 2000
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Coercing Funds for Political Activism

University of Wisconsin v. Southworth (Supreme Court) (petition stage)

August 13, 1999
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Virtuous Racism: Discrimination Against Members of the Majority

Adarand Constructors v. Pena, (US) (merits)

November 8, 1994

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