New Jersey (April 21, 2019) – Atlantic Legal’s leadership . . . the Officers, Board, Advisory Council and Staff . . . are saddened to share news of the passing of the Foundation’s esteemed Chairman Emeritus, James Ingersoll Wyer, V. Jim served the Foundation with distinction for many years and as its Chairman from 1986 to 1997.
His successor, current Chairman Hayward Dan Fisk, speaking on behalf of the leadership team, extolled that Jim is sorely missed and is recognized as a true gentleman and strong leader, who was generous with both his time and his treasure on behalf of the Foundation’s mission.

Jim did so without seeking personal recognition, instead being gratified by the many achievements of the Foundation as the leading organization in America for many years in fostering sound science in judicial and regulatory proceedings, parental choice in education, best practices in corporate governance and the application of constitutional guarantees to individuals and corporations faced with the authority of government agencies.
Among his many notable legacies, Jim was a man of mark who made an affirmative difference in American jurisprudence, particularly through the Atlantic Legal Foundation, which continues now in its 42nd year thanks to his enduring support.
Without reservation, he is a commendable credit to humanity and our legal profession. May God bless Jim Wyer, his loving family, and countless friends .
His obituary may be found in the New York Times at <CLICK-HERE>. A memorial service will be planned for late Summer, 2019 and has been entrusted to the Thompson Memorial Home, 310 Broad St., Red Bank, NJ 07701, Tel. (732) 747-0226, website: Thompson Memorial Home <CLICK-HERE>.
Jim was elected as Chairman of the Atlantic Legal Foundation in May, 1987, as described in an Atlantic Legal bulletin published then <CLICK-HERE-TO-READ>.